Hear Why Sarah Wilson Loves Working Here
Working at Children’s Autism Services is not just a job, it’s an opportunity to create meaningful change. You’ll leave work at the end of each day with stories; stories of smiles, laughter, frustrations and milestones that have immediate impacts on the families you share them with.
You’ll become one of the most important people in these family’s lives.
We’ll offer you a competitive salary and benefits. We respect your personal life. We offer flexibility and the ability to work with an innovative team of professionals that will allow you to keep building your own professional skills. No other job will leave you feeling as satisfied.
You belong here.
Current Positions
Here are some of the positions currently open, but if your specialty isn’t on this list and/or you have relevant experience or qualifications, please send us a resume by completing the form.
Let’s chat.
Current Openings
Education Assistant (FT, PT, Casual)
Teacher (FT)
Physiotherapist (PT)
Respite Worker
Passionate Employees Share Their Stories

Kelsey Penney
Children’s Autism Services of Edmonton has always been an organization that innovates and responds to the needs of the community it serves. As an educator, I’ve had the opportunity to connect and collaborate with many school teams and community members who are eager to learn how they can best support children in their learning spaces. In the twelve years I have worked for Children’s Autism Services of Edmonton, I’ve had first hand experience seeing how powerful an Emotional Regulation Approach can be in the lives of children, their families and the support systems around them. Children’s Autism Services of Edmonton has provided me many opportunities as an employee to learn from world renowned professionals and access ongoing learning opportunities to keep pushing my practice forward.

Thomas Pasterfield
I have worked at Children’s Autism Services of Edmonton for almost ten years in a variety of roles, and have loved working here because of our values. We believe in family-centered services, and that aligns with my personal belief that children have intrinsic value, and that families and other loving caregivers can be meaningful agents of change in the lives of children. Furthermore, I have been given many professional opportunities for growth and improvement as well as personal opportunities to learn from the experiences and perspectives of Autistic children, teens and adults. I continue to work here because I get the chance to interact with families who are often facing a different parenting or family situation than they had expected, yet they find in themselves, and in their children, more beauty and strength and possibility than they may have had otherwise; these interactions strengthen my resolve in my own parenting challenges. I get to hear the relief in parents’ voices when they finally found their community, when they get to be around people who understand their journey, and being a small part of that community is richly rewarding.